We are at that point where we have been getting to know the land here for about a year, we know what we want to do, and what we have to do to get there.We can see it as it will be; but we are impatient creatures.
It is especially difficult as we were so much further ahead at the last place. Starting out here seemed like a huge step backwards, I know that when we get this place rolling it is going to be even better than what we could have built at the place in Bridgewater, but it just seems like we have been saying "didn't we just do this?" way to often this week.
I think a lot of it has to do with the garden. Having been completely self sufficient , and then some, with vegetables it seems to be an admission of failure to me every time I have to buy veg this year.
We are making some progress, outside living space is coming around, Gary is having fun building rock walls. For some reason, unfathomable to me, Gary thinks building with rocks and bricks is fun. I am assured it is a "guy thing". To be honest, I'm just pleased that he does find it enjoyable. I love a rock wall!!
We have been building beds for the herbs, figuring out pathways, and access points. Sometimes I am my own worst enemy as I am adamant that just because something is functional does not exclude it from being beautiful. Yes, I only demand the impossible. I'm quite frankly surprised that Gary didn't throttle me years ago.
tomorrow is going to be a big day, I will be making strawberry jam on the cookstove outside. Gary and Reiley will be attempting to build the ultimate mink proof chicken pen as the first birds will be arriving on Tuesday. July 15th and we haven't had any birds yet. That is a record. I have layers coming with the meat birds. I have been buying eggs since last September when a mink killed all my beautiful barred rock hens and the roo.
I promise there will be lots of pictures tomorrow, for tonight I am off to prepare berries for jam while Gary cooks a couple of steaks and he seems to be making me a yummy spinach and goat cheese salad. I really am a lucky girl!
Have a good evening everyone.